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This page explains what you should expect during the pre-departure phase and some of the key requirements you'll need to complete. Familiarize yourself with these items and mark your calendar so you do not miss important deadlines.  Be sure to also review the other pre-departure pages about planning and packing, health and safety, and cultural considerations for your time abroad.

Pre-Departure Phase

The pre-departure phase begins after a student has been approved and accepted to their program of choice.  The Davidson application will update with a new set of requirements for students to complete.  Students on partner programs will have additional requirements for their partner organization as well.

During this time, it is especially important that students monitor their email carefully as many pre-departure requirements are time-sensitive.


Requirements Overview

This is a brief description of some (but not all) of the most important pre-departure requirements students must complete for Davidson.  More detailed information about these items will be available in your Davidson application.  Additional requirements for both Davidson and partner organizations (if applicable) may include signing travel waivers, submitting medical information, housing preferences, etc.


Off-Campus Study Notification (OCSN)

This form notifies the College that a student plans to be off-campus in a given semester or academic year.  All students planning to study abroad for a semester or academic year must submit the form by the applicable deadline, even if they have not officially been accepted to the program yet.  Financial penalties may apply if the form is submitted late.

Students going abroad for the summer or winter break do not complete the OCSN.


Off-Campus Financial Aid Agreement

Students receiving financial aid must complete the Off-Campus Financial Aid Agreement, in addition to the regular financial aid application for returning students.  Review the OEAA Financial Planning page and the Office of Financial Aid website for more details.


Pre-Authorization to Transfer Credit

All students studying abroad must complete this form with a list of classes they plan to take abroad and submit it to the Registrar's Office for approval.  Students hoping to earn major or minor credit must also discuss their plans with the appropriate department chair.  Review the OEAA Receiving Credit page for more details.

Steps to Success

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Students studying abroad for a semester or academic year will need to take the equivalent of 14-17 transferable semester hours (U.S. credits) each term in order to receive four Davidson credits. Depending on the program and its institution of record, this could be as few as three courses or as many as six courses. Students participating in summer programs typically cannot transfer more than two courses, although three may be permitted if approved in advance for special circumstances.
In general, 3-5 semester hours yields one Davidson credit, 6-9 yields two credits, and 10-13 yields three credits. A course rated as fewer than three semester hours may be included as part of a total but will not transfer separately.


Students’ selections do not have to match specific Davidson courses, but they do need to be consistent with the academic objectives of a liberal arts curriculum and the mission of Davidson College. Courses in business, management, marketing, advertising, and computer skills not strongly based in theory are not transferrable.



Authority for determining whether a transfer credit will count toward a major, a minor, or an interdisciplinary minor rest with the appropriate department chair. If this is not clear from the Registrar’s Office preauthorization form, students should consult with the appropriate department chair in advance. (Department chairs are found on the respective website for each department.) After review, the department chair will inform the Registrar’s Office if a course can potentially count toward a major, minor, or interdisciplinary minor requirement. Final approval typically occurs after the student has returned and the department chair has reviewed the course syllabus and the student’s submitted work. For this reason, students must remember to bring their academic work back to Davidson when returning from studying abroad.